2005-02-07 05:23:11 UTC
Danny, Danny, Danny
Electioneering is over.
I make a quick post and you spend an hours or two collecting shit.
I have absolute control over your life. But you must not have much of a
Your whole life wraps around what I do, sad very sad
You poor boy
Ed Bornstein Edward Bornstein wrote these postingsElectioneering is over.
I make a quick post and you spend an hours or two collecting shit.
I have absolute control over your life. But you must not have much of a
Your whole life wraps around what I do, sad very sad
You poor boy
Ed Bornstein lives here:
15832 N 48th Pl,
Scottsdale, AZ,
85254, USA.
Ed Bornstein's telephone number is + 602-971-3976
Forget about the fucking silencer. If you are man enough to shoot
yourself, you should. What do you care if they find you immediately
a year later? The only reason to have them find you later is to make
them suffer by your grotesque look.
Do your parents have you grounded that you cannot leave the house?
Where did you try our your bread silencer, at home, at a range, in the
back yard? Bread silencer, what caliber are you trying to silence.
The only thing a bread will silence is a BB gun
Why bother to test it. Just wrap your head in a towel so your brains
do not splatter all over the walls and carper, Have some consideration
to the people that have to live in that house, You must really want
punish them by making them scrap your brains all over the place.
Go out into the back yard. Like down or sit up against a tree. Point
the gun so if the bullet tears thru your head it will either go into
the ground or the tree. Don't let it run wild and maybe hit someone
This way your remains can be fertilizer for the ground or tree. You
will be now worth the equivalent as a common fertilizer, cow shit.
You do talk like a teenie bopper. You still live with mommy and
If the gun is really loud then it is not possible that a loaf of
bread will silence the noise.
If you want to silence the report, then put in some earplugs.
I read all your answers and you are a gutless wonder. If daddy buys
you that car you want will you still kill yourself.
spoiled brat. I want what I want when I want it.
It takes two seconds to pull the trigger. What are you waiting for.
Like my daddy use to say. "you talk like a guy with a paper asshole
And for anyone else who was stalked and bothered by Ned, also known
"Free to choose" ***@cox.net
"Ned" ***@unknown.net
"edbornstein" ***@cox.net
"Ned" ***@cox.net
"Dog" ***@hell.com
"Cripple" ***@hushmail.com
"Pawned" ***@unknown.net
"natekearsley" ***@unknown.net Nate Kearsley
Ed Bornstein lives here:
15832 N 48th Pl,
Scottsdale, AZ,
85254, USA.
Ed Bornstein's telephone number is + 602-971-3976
Tattoo Danny